We struggle through life constantly trying to find each other with plaintive cries of Marco and Polo. We convene for pots of tea and discussions about everything and nothing. Somehow goats found their way into our repartee. There promises to be no logic to our content, just bits and pieces that we find on our travels.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

No Really, I Don't Mean To...

The Rabbits' Village School, 1888 

I feel sort of hesitant about writing this post because it is starting a trend. A tag that has been used more than once. Taxidermy. It isn't that I have a fondness for it, I just sort of come across the various examples and they suck me in to a vortex of horror and fascination. 

The Upper Ten or Squirrels Club, Date Unknown

What is it that possesses people to take dead animals, stuff them and then rework them into hideous anthropomorphic poses? I was reading a book about museums and came across the work of Walter Potter. A man who devoted his life to create tableaux comprised of lots of very cute and very dead animals. 

Kittens' Tea and Croquet Party c. 1870s

Count 'em, thirty-seven kittens playing croquet. A further garden of furry delights and tales of taxidermy can be discovered at A Case Of Curiosities.

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